1995 Bandai MMPR Deluxe Ninja Megazord & Deluxe Falconzord
This combination was known in the series as the Ninja Megafalconzord.
The Ninja Megazord was the combination of the Bear, Crane, Wolf, Frog, and Ape Ninjazords. The Black Frog formed the legs, and attached to the Yellow Bear, which formed the torso. The Blue Wolf and Red Ape formed the two arms, left and right respectively, and the Pink Crane formed the head. Equipped with its Power Gloves, it can throw super energy punches. It's main strength was its speed - it was much more agile than previous Megazords, but it couldn't hold anything due to its lack of fingers. Optionally, the White Falcon could attach to the back of the Megazord, giving it flight capability; this combination was referred to as the Ninja MegaFalconzord. It could fly into the air charging the Ape and Wolf as it flies, and finish off monsters by using a charged-up Wolf and Ape Ninjazords' fists to fly and hit the monster.
The Ninja Megazord is in good condition for its age, showing some signs or wear and sticker pealing. The head of the crane has unfortunately broken off. The Falconzord is in good condition for its age, showing some signs or wear, sticker pealing and slight yellowing on the wings.
An awesome addition to any Power Rangers collection!