Power Rangers
Each of the Power Rangers seasons centres around a group of people, often teenagers, that gain super powers to fight various villains, ranging from demons to witches to aliens. To activate these powers, these characters, known in general as the Power Rangers, "morph" by performing a standard action and reciting a "morphing call." Throughout the series, the Power Rangers learn the importance of teamwork and perseverance as they battle progressively harder-to-defeat villains. Like its Super Sentai counterpart, from which part of an episode's action footage is taken, a monster is unleashed on the Power Rangers and it is usually up to them to oftentimes destroy the monster.
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Bandai 1996 Power Rangers Zeo Axe Action Zeo Ranger III
Regular price
$40.00 AUD
$40.00 AUD
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Bandai 1996 Power Rangers Zeo Micro Zeo Zord IV Playset
Regular price
$30.00 AUD
$30.00 AUD